North Dakota Standards-Based Learning
What's new in Standards-Based Learning?
On behalf of North Dakota Standards-Based Learning (SBL), educators from across the state assembled virtually in June with facilitators from the SEEC, NESC, and CREA to create a collection of state level resources that can support local adoption and implementation of a guaranteed and viable curriculum and standards-based practices.
Educators collaborated through their experiences in standards writing, teaching of the standards, and SBL to draft proficiency scales for grades K-12 in Science, Social Studies, and Health. Additionally, student-friendly scales were drafted for Science and Social Studies. Grade-level teams were thoughtful in the application of the standards within the scales and in their approach to the structuring of the scales for potential implementation within schools.
Our facilitation team was inspired by their passion and dedication, and in the words of one participating educator at the end of the last day, “I am triumphantly exhausted!”
This work elevates a similar project completed by English Language Arts (ELA) and Math educators in 2017 and 2018. (View the ND ELA and Math Grade K-12 Prioritized Standards and Proficiency Scales here.) The ND SBL leadership team will now begin the editing and publishing process so that we can share the final products with you in Fall 2022. We are excited to bring the four core subject areas and health to classrooms for the 2022-2023 school year, and we thank the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction for their support!
We would like to thank the following educators for their time and contributions to North Dakota Standards-Based Learning through development of the Science, Social Studies, and Health proficiency scales!
- Sheirra Beja, Parshall
- Kathryn Bohle, Linton
- Hannah Chaussee, Larimore
- Meghan Clark, Williston Basin School District 7
- Terri Deichert, Trinity Catholic Schools
- Amber Eller, Northern Cass
- Sarah Fox, Mandan
- Kristy Green, Williston
- Beth Head, Northern Cass
- Natalie Hintz, Tate Topa
- Kelly Hochhalter, Berthold Public School - Lewis and Clark
- Nick Holzer, Bismarck
- Brenda Jensen, Jamestown
- Sharon Kasprick, Grafton
- Damian Kennedy, Kidder County
- Elisa Kensinger, Dickinson
- Michael A. Koehn, Williston
- Michelle Kukowski, Harvey
- Jerad Lehmann, Devils Lake
- Patience Marshall, Hazen
- Trish Mohr, Trinity Catholic Schools
- Sidnee Nelson, Velva
- Kim Ness, Tate Topa
- James Nyachwaya, NDSU
- Katie Oster, Oak Grove
- Allison Soderlund, Fargo
- Jennifer Sunstrom, Grafton
- Carla Wolsky, Northern Cass
- Brenda Zinke, Devils Lake
Social Studies Contributors:
- Sarah Crossingham, Dickinson
- Brenda Dolyniuk, Dickinson
- Bria Eisen, Hankinson
- Hannah Farstveet, Dickinson
- Jeannine Gibson, Ellendale
- Kristi Hanson, Jamestown
- Cori Hilzendeger, Apple Creek
- Kari Johnson, Williston
- Christopher Kennedy, Griggs County Central
- Candice Klipfel, Ellendale
- Austen Paluch, Mandan
- Nolen Peterson, Oakes
- Kathy Rueger, Langdon
- Elsie Sheldon, Bismarck
- Jeff Stotts, University of Jamestown
- Tammy Strobel, Kulm
- Michael Upton, Bismarck
- Nicole Arnhalt, Wahpeton
- Ali Clemenson, West Fargo
- Erin Eldridge, Williston
- Billie Gibson, Belfield
- Kristen Hahne, Bismarck
- Courtney Klein, Devils Lake
- Heather Kramer, Turtle Lake Mercer
- Rhonda Kuntz, Richardton-Taylor
- Nicole Lindgren, Minot
- Amanda Messner, Williston
- Justin Pieterick, NDSU
- Beth Romfo, Langdon
- Kallie Stevens, Glenburn Public
A collaboration among these Regional Education Associations (REAs) and educators across the state produces the North Dakota Priority Standards, proficiency scales, and additional North Dakota Standards-Based Learning resources, all supported by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.