Announcing new funding to continue and expand NDSBL work!

North Dakota
Standards-Based Learning


Our North Dakota Standards-Based Learning (NDSBL) implementation team wants to take this opportunity to highlight recurring themes, common features, and shared interests between the pathway to SBL and work happening among additional priorities within your schools.  Much of this work is intertwined.  By building SBL practices, your district will be refining curriculum, instruction and assessment while simultaneously supporting numerous additional initiatives.



The practices and resources align and enhance teaching and learning, and consistent implementation of the standards brings greater equity for students.  


Cross-over features of NDSBL with a few other key North Dakota focus areas follow.


Culture and Climate

Standards-Based Learning strengthens school and classroom culture and climate through clarity and consistency.

  • Guaranteed and viable curriculum (prioritized standards)

ND Multi-Tier System of Support

Standards Based Learning addresses the following within the NDMTSS Academic Pathway:

  • Tier 1 - All Students, Instruction and Supports (district curriculum and instructional practices that are evidence-based; aligned with state or district standards; incorporate differentiated instruction), General Classroom (small or large group), Assessment (screening, continuous progress monitoring, outcome measures)

ND Literacy Plan

Standards-Based Learning supports:

ND Choice Ready

Standards Based Learning values a proficiency driven teaching model:

  • Proficiency in academic priority standards supports performance on "Post-Secondary Ready" components. 

ND Personalized Competency Based Learning

Standards-Based Learning addresses key aspects of student-centered learning through the following:

  • Flexible entry points into the learning pathways 

How can I use this information in my role?


Work with your district leadership team to identify alignment between SBL and your other district initiatives in order to bring heightened relevance and impact to all of the work.  Plan for communications to all stakeholders about this alignment.


Communicate the what, why, and how of your SBL school/district plan with instructional staff in relation to aligned district initiatives.  Bringing focus to the common elements will help them to build connections as they move forward in implementation and apply resources and professional development learnings.

Instructional Coaches

Which recurring themes and common features are most prevalent across SBL and the other district initiatives?  How can you build learning and collaboration opportunities around these common features and related school/district data to support teacher growth and classroom implementation?


Be clear in the why of your personal, school and district SBL journey.  Ask questions about the next steps in the school and district implementation plan.  This will help you to identify connections with other work happening in your building and can help you to craft a more comprehensive approach to implementation (with more impactful student results!).


Intentionally plan for students to be a part of the learning and progress monitoring process.  Include them in the messaging and the why.  Clarity goes a long way.


Just as we do with all other stakeholders, we must also communicate the why of our SBL approaches to our families.  Create and share varied ways that families can support their learners in relation to the learning progressions and proficiency expectations.

What can I do right now with this information?

Save the Dates: June 7 & 8, 2023

Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom


Marzano Resources Workshops (Jan Hoegh, facilitator)

North Dakota location(s) TBD

Coming Soon: New NDSBL Website

The new NDSBL website is in development and is scheduled to be unveiled in approximately one month!

It will include the resources you’ve come to rely upon such as the North Dakota English Language Arts and Math prioritized standards and proficiency scales as well as our archived Marzano Resources webinars.  


Exciting additions to our NDSBL resources will be the North Dakota Science, Social Studies, and Health proficiency scales (hooray!) and an NDSBL Toolkit which can serve as a further support in local implementation.


We will let you know as soon as the site is published!


A collaboration among these Regional Education Associations (REAs) and educators across the state produces the North Dakota Priority Standards, proficiency scales, and additional North Dakota Standards-Based Learning resources, all supported by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.