The practices and resources align and enhance teaching and learning, and consistent implementation of the standards brings greater equity for students.
Cross-over features of NDSBL with a few other key North Dakota focus areas follow.
Culture and Climate
Standards-Based Learning strengthens school and classroom culture and climate through clarity and consistency.
- Guaranteed and viable curriculum (prioritized standards)
ND Multi-Tier System of Support
Standards Based Learning addresses the following within the NDMTSS Academic Pathway:
- Tier 1 - All Students, Instruction and Supports (district curriculum and instructional practices that are evidence-based; aligned with state or district standards; incorporate differentiated instruction), General Classroom (small or large group), Assessment (screening, continuous progress monitoring, outcome measures)
ND Literacy Plan
Standards-Based Learning supports:
ND Choice Ready
Standards Based Learning values a proficiency driven teaching model:
- Proficiency in academic priority standards supports performance on "Post-Secondary Ready" components.
ND Personalized Competency Based Learning
Standards-Based Learning addresses key aspects of student-centered learning through the following:
- Flexible entry points into the learning pathways