DESCRIPTION: Bring fun and meaningful STEM learning into your afterschool or summer learning program with KEVA Planks! KEVA Planks are a versatile tool for teaching STEM concepts to any age or skill level. This hands-on virtual training will provide activities and lesson ideas including basic instruction for building, team building and engineering challenges.
PRESENTER: Gateway to Science is North Dakota's hands-on science center. For 25 years North Dakota's Gateway to Science has been igniting passion for STEM in students of all ages through their interactive exhibit gallery, year-round programming, and outreach across the state.
DELIVERY: This 1-hour session will be delivered online. Workshop will recorded and also posted on the ND Afterschool Network's YouTube channel after the event.
AUDIENCE: Afterschool & Afterschool Program Staff
COST: This opportunity is provided to ND out-of-school time programs at NO COST with support from the Million Girls Moonshot Initiative.
The first 20 afterschool program sites to register will receive a 1000 Educator EVA Plank Pack at no cost ($450 value!) We encourage multiple staff per program site to attend this training.